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Ten Years of Gathering · We Are still Young | The Opening of Moganshan Intelligent Manufacturing Base of Jubei Group And The 10th Anniversary of The Glory Ceremony Came To A Successful End

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Ten years of gathering · we are still young

The opening of Moganshan Intelligent Manufacturing Base of Jubei Group and the 10th anniversary of the glory ceremony came to a successful end.

At the beginning of the New Year, everything changes. On January 3, Jubei Group held the grand opening ceremony and the 10th anniversary of the Moganshan Intelligent Manufacturing Base. Jubei Group invited Xu Qiuyan, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Moganshan High-tech Zone in Deqing, Huzhou; Shen Gang, Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Haining High-tech Industrial Park; Cao Yafen, Secretary of the Party Committee of Deqing County Commerce Bureau in Huzhou; Ding Tao, Director of Liaocheng Shenzhen Office in Shandong Province; Bai Xuetao, former Deputy Director of Environmental Research Institute of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Deng Ruide, former Inspector of Standardization Administration, Tang Jianxing, President of Water Purification Industry Branch of National Health Industry Association, Pei Hanrong, President of Water and Air Purification Professional Committee of China International Science and Technology Promotion Association, Zhu Renhua, founder of Zheshang Magazine and executive Dean of Zhijiang Business School, Qu Ya, President of Kaineng Health Technology Group Co., LTD. Liang Shang Yin, general manager of China Direct Drinking Water, Deputy secretary-general of China Electronics Energy-saving Technology Association Environmental Appliances Special Committee, and other government leaders, association leaders, industry experts, strategic cooperation customers, supplier partners, all staff of Jux Group and friends from all walks of life, witnessed this brilliant event.

Ten Years Of Gathering

Liu Xiaolin, chairman of Jubei Group, took a group photo with guests at the ribbon-cutting ceremony

Years witness growth, time engraved brilliant. The grand ceremony centered on the theme of "Gathering ten years of youth", held the opening ceremony, strategic signing, cutting-edge technology release, 10th anniversary keynote speech, development report of each business unit, 10th anniversary recognition and many other links, to review the development achievements, gather striving force, and create a new future. The scene was warm and grand, passionate, and Jube's ten years of development achievements, innovative products and cutting-edge technologies, and global water science and technology service capabilities shook the audience.

Tenth Anniversary

After ten years of grinding a sword, Jubei Technology Group has become the world's leading enterprise in the whole industrial chain in the field of water technology, with 36 ecological enterprises in the whole industrial chain and nearly 1,000 employees, and has won many honors such as national high-tech enterprises, Zhejiang Province specialized and special new enterprises, Zhejiang Province high-tech enterprises, Zhejiang Province high-tech smes, and China's Top Ten water purification manufacturing enterprises.

In the morning, Jubei Group Moganshan intelligent manufacturing base officially opened. Liu Xiaolin, founder and chairman of the group, and important guests jointly launched the opening ceremony, the scene of colored smoke rising, balloons flying, flying the dream and future of poly.

Then, Xu Qiuyan, deputy director of the Management Committee of Moganshan High-tech Zone, Deqing, Huzhou; Bai Xuetao, former deputy director, medical doctor and doctoral supervisor of the Environmental Institute of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Deng Ruide, former inspector of the National Standardization Administration; Zhu Renhua, executive dean of Zhijiang Business School; Tang Jianxing, president of the Water Purification Industry Branch of the National Health Industry Association, delivered speeches successively. Express congratulations to Jubei Group, and analyze industry trends from their professional perspectives, study the future direction, and gather wisdom for the development of Jubei.

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Cutting-edge technology release

Jubei Group's top chief scientists, Huang Li, president of the Pretreatment Research Institute, Xiong Wei, president of the Physical Scale Prevention Research Institute, Li Pan, president of the Micro Nano Bubble Research Institute and Fan Saijun, president of the Hangzhou Union Industrial Innovation Research Institute, each released Jubei's cutting-edge technology achievements, enabling the development of the water purification industry with leading technology.

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Director of pretreatment Research Institute Huang Li

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Director of the Institute of Physical scale Prevention Xiong Wei

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Director of Micro Nano Bubble Research Institute Li Pan

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President of Hangzhou Union Industrial Innovation Research Institute Fan Sai's Legion

Strategic signing

At the ceremony, Jubei Group signed a number of strategic partners and unveiled the industrial base of Hangzhou Xiehe Industrial Innovation Research Institute, once again allowing the industry and outside to appreciate the huge influence of Jubei.

Strategic cooperation signing

Hangzhou Xiehe Industrial Innovation Research Institute industrial base was unveiled.

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Ten years of innovation, Jubei Group has established a strong ecological platform of the whole industrial chain, and formed key fields and key technology breakthroughs through the production, university and research mode. At present, Jubei has maintained more than 1,000 patent technologies, drafted more than 10 industry standards, won many international design awards, and explored China's world-class height for the industry.

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In the afternoon, Jubei Group 10th anniversary glory ceremony grand opening. Jubei 10th anniversary theme video reviews the extraordinary development process and innovation achievements of the group in the past 10 years.

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Subsequently, Professor Hu Jun of the Chinese Academy of Sciences delivered a speech, expressing his congratulations to Jubei Group, and shared the development trend of micro and nano bubble technology industry from a professional perspective.

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Liu Xiaolin, chairman of Jubei Group, delivered a keynote speech detailing the status quo of the water purification industry and Jubei's core advantages and growth model. The person in charge of each business cluster makes a strategic development report, from the growth and breakthrough in various fields, in-depth understanding of the strong ecology of Jubei.

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The glorious award ceremony

Ten years with the setbacks and risks, we gather up and move forward. Fourteen awards, including the Group's 10-year Achievement Award, Innovation Breakthrough Award, Best New Talent Award, Sincere Cooperation Award, and Best team Award, were also presented on the scene to thank the entrepreneurs, managers, excellent employees and partners who have made outstanding contributions to Jubei in the past 10 years, and encourage everyone to continue to build on the past and create new brilliance.

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Jubei Group has always adhered to the concept of sustainable development, running on the journey of using good technology to improve the quality of human life, persevering and constantly exploring. Because of this, along the way, Jubei has gathered countless like-minded business partners, and work together to join the future.

In the keynote speech of "Dream Take-off", Liu Xiaolin, chairman of Jubei Group, thanked and reviewed the ten years of Jubei Group gathering customers, partners and friends from all walks of life to jointly rush forward with "water" as the cause, and looked forward to the next decade of innovation, deploying future strategies to help Jubei high value growth.

In the past ten years, Jubei has realized the transformation from high-speed development to high-quality development, built an ecological closed loop with water technology as the core, and is preparing to take off and layout the future.

In the past ten years, Jubei has focused on user needs and continued to innovate and explore. "What peers have is called obligation; what peers don't have is service." As Chairman Liu Xiaolin said, from creating Jubei OEM super service to unusual product, technology and material innovation, Jubei Group leads the water technology revolution in the industry, from the scene to the whole area, from drinking water to drinks, using natural methods and eastern wisdom to make water more vibrant.

In the past ten years, Jubei has created all-domain water technology and technology solutions, broken through the ceiling of water purification, exceeded customer expectations of products, an open and win-win model, and innovated the ecology of fission, reached an unprecedented height of development, and led the transformation of China's water purification industry.

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Ten years of gathering, we are still young, and it is the time for struggling. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, Jubei Group officially released the double billion strategic plan, sprinting to 10 billion market value and 10 billion output value, and plans to incubate 100 business units of more than 100 million to jointly realize the big dream of Jubei to protect the blue planet.

The dinner started with the passionate dance "Vitality New Year", the chairman of Jubei Group and the partners of the business division gave a toast, and the deep reading of "to Jubei 10th Anniversary", the gratitude and tribute into the memories of ten years, and shared the joy and wonderful of Jubei 10th anniversary with everyone.

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One song after another brings impassioned wonderful songs and energetic dance in turn, showing the extraordinary ten years of Jubei, passing the spirit of Jubei people's hard work, everyone dances with the music, and the atmosphere of the party rises step by step to a climax. The touching "Picking up Finally has You" and the very ceremonial 10th anniversary celebration link let everyone feel the opportunities and challenges, forging ahead and hard work, paying and harvesting in the past ten years.

Round after round of raffles and valuable prizes inspired everyone to participate enthusiastically and cheer for blessings. At the end of the dinner, all the Jubei people recited "Our Ten Years" in unison, sang Jubei's song "Blooming Dream" together, enjoyed laughter and beauty, and prayed for Jubei Group to be more brilliant in the future.

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Jubei Group is a comprehensive service provider offering one-stop products for full-scene water purification systems. We have mastered the core technology of purification from the source:Prefilter,Bath and beauty skin,Water leakage protector,Industry scale inhibition,Scale inhibition for end process,Direct drinking water,Commercial water purification,Water health,Large- scale water treatment. Our mission is make water more alive and let the good life full of vitality.

Email: elle@jubei-group.com
Address: Building 2, No. 35 Shangtang Street, Kangqian Street, Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province (Moganshan National High tech Zone)
Postcode: 314000
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